
Maihama member Introduction

My name is Yap Jon Ban, also known as Johnny. I am from Malaysia and have been living in Japan since 2005. I started Aikido training in Maihama Club since Oct 2010.

I was first informed about Aikido by one of my English language students. She mentioned that she was practising Aikido in a dojo in Funabashi. She also mentioned that Aikido is a non-competitive martial arts sport, and people of all ages can join. So it roused my interest and I did some research about Aikido immediately after that. I saw some videos in Youtube and I thought that it is very interesting and it is a sport that I can do.

The next step was to look for a dojo in Chiba-city and particularly where the sensei can speak English. So I searched the Internet and found the website of Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu. In that website, I found information of Jim-sensei of Maihama Club and made some enquiries directly to him. I went for a trial lesson and then, decided to join as a member a week after that.

Initially, my main concern about Aikido was the fear of getting injured but Jim-sensei assured me that nobody has ever been injured in his class. It has been 6 months now since I joined Maihama Club. All I can say is I enjoyed every class very much. Now I look forward to attending Aikido class every Friday night.

Osu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

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