
New members...

Friday, November 12th was a full house at Maihama Dokokai. New members; Johnny, Atsuko-san, Makiko-san(Atsuko-san's daughter) and Takada-san were joined by 11 other guests/members including Ben West(7 week gasshuku visitor) for an hour of both basic techniques and tai ryoku training.

This being Ben's last Maihama training before leaving Ryu Dojo we thought it would be appropriate to have him do the traditional rounds of jiyu waza with all the present blackbelts. Ben survived and following the class we all went out for a Sayonara(Ben)/Welcome(4 new members)party.

Jim Dawes


100 Waza Challenge

Friday July 30th was our last training at Maihama until early September. All of August has been booked with Karate, Kendo and various events. Aug 6th,20th, and 27th training will be held along with the regular Friday night training at Ryu Dojo with Hotta Sensei.

As always our last class before a summer or winter vacation tends to be a good one. This time we attempted to do 100 techniques in 1 hour. All techniques from 6th kyu to 1st kyu and a few extra totalling 101 were done (although a bit sloppy near the end) within 58 minutes.

Wouldn't seem right to put up a blog without the classic pic. So here it is... Guests include - Eddy from London, and Gus from Australia.


Yes folks, another pic, and another Ryu Dojo visitor takes his last class at Maihama Dokokai's Friday night high energy training. This time, Ali Ganchi set a new standard for final Friday night classes... Ali did all the shodan and yudan jiyu-waza consecutively (shite and uke) while the other members took turns wishing Ali a special sayonara via kotegaeshi, udegarami, and so on.


Sorry, this post is a little late, but just found this pic and realized I need to put it up. Yes, another Friday farewell class, with another German guest. This time Daniel Lubecki, from Munich (the only one who timed out the jump, other than Otsuka-san).

Daniel trained everyday 3 or 4 times for almost a month. Daniels last week was the hardest. Thursdays kenshu was just Ando Sensei, the uchideshi and Daniel. After 30 minutes of kihon waza, we had another 30 mins of non-stop jiyu waza. Daniel never gave up, he held in there right to the end. Good job!

P.S. I have no idea how this picture tradition began, maybe Otahara-san.


First off, a big congratulations to Ogata-kun (back row, second from the right) who recently passed his Nidan exam. Ogata has been trying as hard as possible to mix aikido with his busy school schedule for the last few years, and although limited training, he still managed to pull off a great test.

Last Friday, Gert Jungbauer from Germany (front row, second from the right) joined us for 60 mins of sweaty ukemi, jiyu-waza and various shodan waza. Gert has had a full week of training here in Urayasu, and we definetly finished the week off with a good hard class. Following the training, a few well deserved drinks at the local bar.